Bonded and Insured Technicians

Police Background Cleared Technicians

6 Months Training In-House and Hands-On

Quality and Satisfaction Guaranteed

Door Closer Repair Services
Are you looking to repair your door closer or for a service to handle door closer installation? A+ Lock & Door is a full-service locksmith that provides door closer repair services.
Our technicians can help you with any door closer problem you may have. We provide 24/7 emergency, residential and commercial services.
Door closer repair is certainly a necessity. The door closer itself closes the door and prevents it from slamming. For all your door closer repair services call A+ Lock & Door today at (416) 253-9615 throughout the Greater Toronto Area!
What Do We Offer
We are proud to offer our customers a full range of door frame repair services. Our professional technicians can work with all kinds of doors!
A+ Lock & Door in Greater Toronto Area offers:
- Door closer repair
- Door closer replacement
- Door closer installation
- Automatic door closer repair
- Commercial door closer repair
- Residential door closer repair
Discount Coupon
Enjoy this special offer for ALL our door repair services in GTA.
$10 OFF
All Door Repair Services
Use CouponCommon Door Frame Services
Door Closer Noise Dampening
Door Spring Closer Repair
Door Closer Adjust
Door Slamming Prevent
Door Closer Inspection
Broken Door Closers Repair
Hydraulic Door Closer Repair
Surface Mounted Door Closer
Storm Door Closer Repair
Door Closer Replacement
Are you looking to replace your door closer? A door closer is one of the most important parts of any door. If you have a problem with a door closer, you want it to be replaced sharply and at the lowest cost.
That’s where we come in. Call A+ Lock & Door at (416) 253-9615. We’ll be right there to help!
A+ Lock & Door is a top-rated company for door closers replacements and installations. We provide top-notch services. For all your door closer replacements contact us now!
Commercial Door Closer Repair
A+ Lock & Door is a commercial door closer repair company. We offer competitive pricing with exceptional service to our clients. Our technicians are experienced and have the knowledge and tools to get your project perfectly done.
We make it a priority to maintain top-notch customer service. Commercial door closer repair by A+ Lock & Door helps you reduce energy costs and improve your building’s air quality.
Commercial door closer repair is a job best left to the experts, so contact us at (416) 253-9615 now!