How to repair a broken door frame

If either your interior or exterior door is kicked in or the door frame has cracked, there are some tips you can exploit to repair it effectively. In some instances, both the door frame and the wood around the knob can be broken and cracked at the same time.
Different homeowners use different materials to actualize repairs in such instances. However, the most appreciated set of equipment to be used include wood glue, wood filler, and clamp. In extremely worse situations, the best way to go about the repair process is by use of a repair kit or reinforcement plate.
A strike plate kit consists of a heavy-duty strike plate together with a door jamb metal overlay. The metal overlay will help you hide the cracks and will reinforce the frame. We resolve all Top emergency Door Repair in Toronto problems.
Just as we have learnt, if the crack on the doorframe is not severe, then you will not need a kit for this kind of repair. The steps to be used in these non-extreme cases are explained below.
However, there is also the likelihood that the hood will be weakened, which calls for reinforcement. You can reinforce the wood using wood filler. In case your glue and filler cannot repair the door frame, then you have to change the tact.
The item that you will use to reinforce the door frame at this point is a long piece of metal. This should be able to cover both the door frame and the area that has suffered the damage. This component usually comes in a kit and is usually marketed for door security. This is the best option when handling a case of all-purpose door frame repair.
It also comes with a number of pieces to reinforce the broken frame. You will have to repair the wood around the doorknob before you install this metal reinforcement.
Here are the easiest ways to fix your broken door frame:
- first, remove the metal door strike and the deadbolt to pave the way for the repair
- secondly, you should move in to scrape away the small chunks of wood that could be protruding from the frame owing to the breakage.
Ensure that your door can fully close. In case the door cannot fully close, you should remove any form of hindrance that could be preventing it from closing. These are usually wood. After you have ensured that the door can close, move to the next step.
At this point, you should open the door fully in order to access the door frame. This will give you room to apply wood glue or wood filler into the cracks. You should make sure the gum used gets as deep as possible.
Once the gum fully covers the crack, add several wood clamps that will squeeze the crack shut. You should leave your wood clamp in this position for at least an hour. This will see the glue dry upholding the crack together.
After you have confirmed that the glue dried, remove the wood clamps. At this point, the cracks should even be unnoticeable. You can now sand down and paint your door. You can then reinstall the door and test it. If all of the above doesn’t work, you need to call our specialists.